With summer being here I'm on a movie renting frenzy, I was hoping ya'll can help me out with a few creepy/scary movie ideas.. Here's my top 10 list, (in no particular order)

Stir of Echos
Jeepers Creepers
The Ring
Halloween ( classic)
Nightmare on Elmstreet (pt1)
Sixth Sense
13 Ghosts

Look forward to seeing your 10 favorites...

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 19, 2004
i can only think of 2 to add. im not sure how easily you can find them. 'carnival of souls' (the original from sometime in the mid-60s.) and an italian film called 'black sunday' --one of the scariest vampire movies ive ever seen.
on Jun 19, 2004
Evil Dead
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Dawn of the Dead
28 Days
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original)
The Exorcist
The Olsen Twins Take Manhattan (hey, you wanted scary...)

-- B
on Jun 19, 2004
The Olsen Twins Take Manhattan

touche! nyuknyuk!

damn near killed me laffin
on Jun 19, 2004
has no-one added:

1) Susperia (only to be watched at night in surround sound with the lights off)
2) Psycho (the original only)
3) The Silence of the Lambs (see this before seeing Red Dragon or Hannibal, and only see those if you like Silence of the lambs)
4) The Shining
5) Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) (warning: silent movie)
6) Bram Stokers "Dracula" (1931 / 1992) either is fine, but Winona Ryder is hot in victorian clothes, lol
7) The Mummy (1932) (the 1999 remake was good, but it was not horror, it was comedy)
8) Carrie
on Jun 19, 2004
Can't forget the classics

The Omen
The Exorcist
Anything made by Hitchcock
Night of the LIving Dead and its sequels
Children of the Corn
on Jun 19, 2004
How about "Ghost Ship"... anyone ever seen that? It's the dumbest "horror" movie I've ever seen. I about peed my pants laughing, though. Maybe I'm just sick, but I thought it was hilarious... especially because one of the gals in it looked just like a guy my friend and I know.

on Jun 19, 2004
The only additions I may have are:

The Changeling
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
on Jun 19, 2004
The Ring
Nightmare On Elm Street
The Entity
The Exorcist
Seventh Sign
Hand That Rocks The Cradle
The Shining
The Stand
Thirteen Ghosts
on Jun 19, 2004
Thank you all so much for your favs, I cant wait to get back to block buster for more videos.. lol
Ya'll are great keep em commin'!

I think i'm gonna rent that movie called "IT" I dont remember if ive seen it or not, I swear I dont think I have, and I heard that Wes Craven movie "The last house on the left" is supposed to be really freaky. And a few ya'll have mentioned is definitly commin home with me..

Thanx again
on Jun 19, 2004
Oh, can't forget The Crow. Excellent flick!

on Jun 19, 2004
Well, I was about to start a series of articles on my all time favorite movies, but I guess I can spill some of them here. (And I'll try not to repeat any that have already been mentioned. If I do, it was an accident.)

The Uninvited (1944) -- Good Ghost v. Evil Ghost over young girl.
Phantasm (1979 Original only) -- One of the scariest, most original horror films ever. What is that Tall Man out at the mortuary really up to?
The Haunting (1963) -- Forget the remake, they had no grasp of the story.
The Legend of Hell House (1973) -- Same author as Stir of Echoes.
Friday the 13th (1980) -- Great movie. The low budget and poor acting just make it seem even more realistic. Pre-Jason and his machete
The Thing (1982) -- John Carpenter goes back to the original story and directs the hell out of it.
The Fog (1980) -- Don't betray a bunch of evil pirates when John Carpenter is around.
Jaws (1975) -- You'll never look at the water the same way.
The Wicker Man (1973) -- Not one of my favorites, but a truly creepy and bizarre film about the disappearance of a girl in a pagan enclave on a Scottish island. Considered a minor classic.

Also just about any film from Hammer Studios during the 1960's but especially if they have Peter Cushing.
Most British anthology horror films, where they have multiple stories loosely tied together. I love those. (Special points if they were written by Robert Bloch or, again, feature Peter Cushing.) eg, Tales from the Crypt I (1972) & II (1973) -- II is sometimes called The Vault of Horror (1973).
If you really want freaky, the horror films of David Cronenberg (director of the aforementioned Scanners). (Try Videodrome (1983) or The Brood (1979).)
And if you want the most intense, pure horror put on film check out an Italian zombie or demon movie sometime (see Dario Argento of the aforementioned Suspiria).

You've whet my appetite. I think I'll go watch some of those now myself.
on Jun 19, 2004
BTW, if "It" is the TV movie adapted from Stephen King's novel the ending doesn't really make sense unless you've read the book. (I've had to explain the end more than once to people who've only seen the film.) It's a catch-22: The movie doesn't stand on its own, but if you've read the (great) novel you know how poor a job they did bringing it to film. So the only people who can appreciate the movie know why it shouldn't be appreciated.
on Jun 20, 2004
Oh yeah! Phantasm was great! I had totally forgotten that one.
on Jun 21, 2004
Ok I am totally bummed now, I went to block buster this weekend and wouldn't ya know it, not only do they NOT carry the Wes Craven movie " The Last House On The Left" but they were OUT of "The Texas Chainsaw Masacre" ( remake.. I still havent seen it) and they dont carry "IT" anymore, oh and I tried to get "Black Sunday" and wouldnt ya know it, they didnt have that either.. WTF!! However thanx to all of ya'lls lists I have many more to choose from, with any luck I'll be able to find some of them the next time i'm there, Keep up the good work ya'll!!

on Jun 23, 2004
The movies that are made from books never are as good as the books, are they? I'm an avid reader and have come to find out not to get ur hopes up. That movie IT scared the bejesus out of me, not because it's scary, but because of my tremendous fear of clowns. I like the Halloween movies, but mainly because of all the dark n spooky in the movie. I swear its like people in these movies don't put on their damn lights. like Gothika, you'd think that a mental hospital would have more lights installed, seeing as how you'd wanna keep an eye on the loonies, right? I personally also like poltergeist, its weird. Oh, can't forget Amytiville, and that's mostly scary because if the legend behind it, but it's also not as good as the book. Pet Cemetery was pretty freaky, little gage being the scariest of all. That's all I can think of for now...
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